
THERE is evidence for1–3 and against4,5 the involvement of cyclic nucleotides in the release of neurotransmitters. We have investigated this question using a method more suited to the detection of prejunctional drug actions than those used previously. Instead of trying to infer the action of nucleotides on nerve endings by recording endplate potentials or muscle contractions in vitro, we recorded from single motor axons of cat soleus nerves in vivo. We found that dibutryl (db) cyclic AMP initiated activity in unstimulated motor axons and produced stimulus-bound AMP, db cyclic GMP, sodium butyrate and 5′ AMP had no repetitive activity (SBR) in stimulated axons, whereas cyclic effect. NaF and theophylline also initiated activity in unstimulated axons and produced SBR in stimulated axons. Pretreatment with the theophylline potentiated the effects of db cyclic AMP or NaF. The results suggest that cyclic AMP is involved in the excitation–secretion sequence of mammalian motor nerve endings.

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