
The study evaluated the implementation of the Peace Education Program of MSU–Maguindanao and its contribution to peace and development. The study utilized the quantitative - qualitative research design that gathered data through survey, interview and focuses group discussions to the 9 participants and 456 respondents coming from the MSU faculty, students, and some partners of peace and development program. The major findings revealed that the level of attainment on the implementation of the peace education program of MSU-Maguindanao in terms of vision, mission and core values was very much attained while the level of implementation of peacebuilding initiatives and activities was often implemented. The degree of implementation of the strategies and mechanisms in the implementation of peace education was much implemented whereas the extent of contributions of the peace education program to peace and development was often contributed. The regression analysis on the peace mechanism strategies had shown significant relationship to peace and development in the community. The common themes formulated in the practices and challenges in the peace education programs revealed that peace education programs were mainstreamed in the thrust of the vision and mission of the school system. The common strategies and mechanism includes peacebuilding and peacemaking strategies. The contributions of the peace education program in peace and development in Mindanao includes character development and violence prevention. The challenges encountered include human resource competency building and material resource building. The study concluded that MSU has qualified personnel that can facilitate implementation of peace education program. The deep commitment and active participation of the school in institutionalizing peace education programs in the university system as it has been embedded in the vision and mission is a promising indicator that the school has capability in promoting and sustaining culture of peace in the and decreasing violence in the community.

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