
Pig slurry, effluent from an aerobic treatment system operating at 55°C and pH 7.8, was evaluated as a feedstuff for pigs by chemical, biological and computer procedures. The mean residence time for slurry in the treatment system was 2 days. Thermophilic treatment increased true protein levels in slurry by 60% (as a % DM). Hemicellulose in the slurry dry matter provided the main carbon source for the production of biomass. Crude fibre, cellulose and lignin levels in treated and untreated slurry were similar. The values of digestible nitrogen, net protein utilisation and biological value for treated slurry dry matter fed to rats as the sole source of crude protein as determined from regression analysis, were 55.3, 17.5 and 34.4, respectively. Methionine plus cystine levels of 1.9 g/16 g N limited protein quality; the chemical score of slurry protein for pigs was 45. True protein digestibility was approximately 70%. In computer-formulated least-cost pig diets the calculated level of inclusion of treated pig slurry dry matter was limited to a maximum of 23%. At the maximum inclusion level treated slurry dry matter in pig diets was calculated to account for approximately 65, 54, 45, 30, 22, 20 and 10% of the crude fibre, calcium, salt (NaCl), lysine, methionine plus cystine, digestible protein and digestible energy, respectively.

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