
Nutritional status is determined through various methods, including anthropometry. In children under 5 years of age indeces as weight/age (w/a), height/age (h/a), weight/height (w/h) and body mass index (BMI) are used. The purpose of this article is to analyze and compare the ability of different anthropometric indeces to identify children from marginalized communities in Chiapas (Mexico) with nutritional problems. To analyze the correlation among the different anthropometric indeces to determine the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age in poor rural areas with a background of short stature. Cross-sectional study in 1,160 children under 5 years of age in 13 high poverty communities in three regions of Chiapas. The variables studied were age, sex, weight and height. Nutritional status was determined through the indeces w/a, h/a, w/h and BMI. Field staff in charge of taking measurements of weight and height were trained and standardized. Kappa coefficients for agreement between the indeces were calculated. No correlation between BMI and w/a and h/a was found. The prevalence of malnutrition according to h/a was 64.8%. Only high concordance (0.726) between BMI and w/h was found. BMI showed a low prevalence of malnutrition and a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity rates. For a reliable and accurate diagnosis in individuals with a background of chronic malnutrition, it is recommended to use the four indeces together. Doing so it will reduce the risk of underestimating or overestimating nutritional status and will focus actions toward addressing and improving the health and nutrition of children living under extreme poverty conditions.

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