
The systematic error (bias) of the isotonic regression analysis of temporal spacings between failure events is investigated by means of numerical simulation. Spacings that are sampled from an exponential distribution with a constant failure rate (CFR) arc subjected to an isotonic regression search for a declining failure rate (DFR). The results indicate a considerable declining trend (bias) that is imposed upon these CFR-data by isotonic regression analysis. The corresponding results for an increasing trend can be readily obtained through transformation. For practical applications, the results of 100,000 simulations have been approximated by simple analytical expressions. For the evaluation of a trend in a specific set of isotonized spacings (or rates) the results of the latter analysis can be compared with the isotonic bias of a set of CFR data for the same number of events. Alternatively, the specific set of isotonized spacings can be suitably related to the corresponding isotonized CFR data to reduce t...

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