
Introduction: Professionalism is now widely accepted as an important graduate competence. However,it is a challenging outcome to defne and assess. The aim of this sudy is to evaluate the teaching ofprofessionalism in undergraduate medical curricula in Sudan.Methods: This is a descriptive, cross -sectional survey which included 39 medical schools in Sudan. Achecklis based on Sudan Medical Council (SMC) generic guidelines on teaching and assessment ofprofessionalism (2011) was used to evaluate the teaching of professionalism in Sudanese medical schools.Data was analyzed using Statisical Package of Social Sciences SPSS version 23.Results: Fourteen (35.8%) of medical schools teach professionalism and allocate adequate time forteaching as recommended by SMC guides, while seven (17.9%) had no formal teaching. Ten medicalschools (25.6%) teach only medical ethics. Three (1.5%) medical schools addressed all objectives andconcepts of professionalism. The mos common method used for teaching of professionalism is: didacticlectures followed by tutorials, seminars and role play. The mos common method used for assessment isMCQs/EMQs, followed by case scenario and OSCE.Conclusions and Recommendations: SMC generic guidance on teaching of professionalism is partiallyand selectively implemented. There is a need to implement courses on professionalism that encompass thewider concept of professionalism with suitable placement within the curriculum and adequate credit hours.More valid insruction and assessment methods should be used.

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