
Coccinia indica an annual creeper is available all over India and well known for its antidiabetic property. In the present investigation, aqueous extract, and ethanolic extract of the fruits were made using hot extraction procedure using soxhlet apparatus, decoction and maceration. The qualitative phyto-chemical screening procedure was performed on each extract. Phyto-chemical study reveals that carbohydrates, tannins, phenols, alkaloids, saponins was present in both the extracts. An attempt has been made to highlight this folk herbal medicine through present study which will assist in the identification of fresh as well as dried crude samples of fruits anatomically and physiochemically. TLC finger printing and fluorescence analysis of powdered fruits has been conducted and reported .The antidiabetic activity is conducted by enzyme inhibition (α-glycosidase) in invitro method on each extract and ethanolic extract showed significant inhibition

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