
An experimental field trial was conducted in seasons of 2015 and 2016 at Giza Experimental Station of Agricultural Research Centre (ARC), Egypt to evaluate the foliar spray effect with transpiration regulators (Potassium, Kaolin and Ascorbic acid) and three levels of irrigations (100%, 80% and 60% of Et0) on yield, its attributes, and water productivity of two sunflower cultivars (Giza 102 and Solala 120). The factorial treatments were arranged in split- split plot design with three replications. The irrigation levels (100%, 80% and 60% of Et0) were devoted for main plots, while subplots contained the three spraying treatments of transpiration regulators. (Potassium at 1%, Kaolin at 3% and Ascorbic acid at 100 ppm), in addition to control treatment (water spray). Sub-sub plots were occupied by the two sunflower cultivars (Giza 102 and Solala 120). Obtained results proved that, increasing irrigation levels up to (80- 100%) caused significant increase in all growth characteristics, photosynthetic pigments (total chlorophyll), relative water content (RWC %) and seed oil %. Also, yield parameters being head diameter, 1000-seed weight and seed yield) show significant reduction under water deficit. Foliar spray with (Potassium at 1%, Kaolin at 3% and Ascorbic acid at 100 ppm), positively affected all the growth and physiological criteria of the tested plants compared with control. Generally, under low irrigation levels, application of transpiration regulators effectively reduced the detrimental impact of drought stress on growth, yield and its components of the two used cultivars in the two seasons. While, foliar spraying of potassium under 100% of Et0 gave the best treatment in this respect. Concerning cultivars, WUE (water use efficiency) for Solala 120 was significantly higher than for Giza 102 in the two seasons. All interactions among factors under study due to WUE were not significant in 2015 and 2016 seasons.

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