
Infection by Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. & de Not., the causal agent of blackleg of canola (Brassica napus L.), can result in seedling death, foliar lesions, and the development of stem cankers on adult plants. Strobilurin fungicides such as pyraclostrobin are popular, as they are effective against a broad range of fungal pathogens, have novel target specificity, and translaminar activity within the plant. The seed treatment Prosper FX (carbathiin + trifloxystrobin + metalaxyl) and an experimental formulation BAS 720 F (pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad + metalaxyl) were evaluated for their efficacy in managing blackleg when applied alone or in combination with the foliar fungicides Priaxor (pyraclostrobin + fluxapyroxad) or Tilt 250 EC (propiconazole). Experiments were conducted with the blackleg-susceptible cultivar ‘Westar’ and the moderately resistant cultivar ‘Dekalb 73-15 RR’ under greenhouse and field conditions in 2012 and 2013. In one greenhouse trial, all fungicide treatments significantly reduced stem blackleg severity on ‘73-15’ and ‘Westar’ compared with the inoculated–untreated controls. During 3 of 4 site-years, the combination of the experimental seed treatment BAS 720 F and Priaxor significantly reduced stem disease severity relative to the inoculated–untreated control by 60%–77% for ‘73-15’ and by 50%–75% for ‘Westar’. This treatment also resulted in a significant yield increase relative to the inoculated–untreated control in ‘Westar’ in 2 site-years by 24% and 56%. The results of the study suggest a reduction in blackleg symptoms and improved yields when canola is treated with a combination of seed and foliar fungicides, especially when cropping a susceptible cultivar.

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