
The use of glycerol as a plasticizer in the film solution mixture was identified to the physical properties of edible film. The objectives of t his study was to evaluate the physical characteristics of edible films using gelatin from Bligon goat skin as a raw material with glycerol as a plasticizer. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory experiment using completely randomized design (CRD) method. There were three concentrations of glycerol as a plasticizer , namely: 80%, 90% and 100% (calculated from the amount of gelatin is 9%). The variables of this study were thickness, tensile strength and elongation et break. The results of this study showed that the difference in the concentration of glycerol as a plasticizer in the gelatin of 9% gave no significant effect on the thickness and tensile strength of edible films, however very significant effect on the elongation et break. It was proven that glycerol concentration of 80% as a plasticizer had been better physically. Key words : edible film, gelatin, Bligon goat skin, glycerol, plasticizer


  • The results of this study showed that the difference in the concentration of glycerol as a plasticizer in the gelatin of 9% gave no significant effect on the thickness and tensile strength of edible films, however very significant effect on the elongation et break

  • Data pada Gambar 3 yang dianalisis secara sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan konsentrasi gliserol yang digunakan sebagai plasticizer dalam campuran larutan film dengan bahan baku gelatin 9% berpengaruh sangat nyata (p

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Gelatin merupakan salah satu jenis bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan edible film dari golongan protein asal ternak. Pengunaan gelatin yang berasal dari kulit kambing Bligon sebagai bahan baku pembuatan edible film sampai saat ini belum banyak diteliti maupun dipublikasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik edible film yang menggunakan bahan baku gelatin dari kulit kambing dengan menggunakan gliserol sebagai bahan plasticizer.

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