
This study has for aim to value the nutritional status and the food habits of the officials of an highest school institution inthe west of Santa Catarina. The descriptive study, was developed in the second semester of 2008, in Chapeco-SC city. Theexample was compost by 15% of the population to be investigated, divided between teachers and administrative technical.A questionnaire compost by 6 questions, was applied approaching the food habits, also anthropometric data (weight andheight) was collected to calculate the Body Mass Index and subsequent classification of the nutritional status. The averageage of the interviewed public was 33.7 years (± 10.6), showing more people with obesity and overweight, between theteaches and the administrative technical of 39.3%. Of the interviewed, 87.6% work 40 hours weekly, staying 2 or moreturns in the institution. It was also found that the more consumed food by the interviewed was roast snacks, salty meals blackcoffee and soda, consumed by 40% or more of the interviewed. With the respect of the alimentation quality did in thework place, only 10.8% of the interviewed consider the alimentation adequate. Concluding, that most of the interviewedofficials are unsatisfied with the food served in the commercialization areas in the campus. As improvement suggestionswas appointed that the availability of a greater variety of foods considered healthy, the diversification of the commercializationareas and the “potencializacao” of the “agroecologia” fair, would be good alternatives, beside the presence of aprofessional nutritionist as a decisive factor in the quality of food served.

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