
This project work was conducted to evaluate the microbial contamination on tools used in hairdressing salons in Michael Okpara University Agriculture, Umudike,Abia State,Nigeria. Samples were collected from two different hairdressing salons inside the campus. The samples were collected from combs, brushes and hairdryers using a moistened swab stick and processed according to standard procedures. All the materials used were obtained from the microbiology and bio-chemistry laboratory except the sample and the culture media used which were prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. The samples were diluted into sixth quadrants before been inoculated on the media using sticking method. Each plate was incubated at 37 0 c for 24hours (bacterial) and 48-72hours (fungal). The isolates obtained were examined using biochemical characteristics, colonial morphology and also identified using microscopic examination. The results obtained include Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus spp and micrococcus spp. Aspergillus spp, mucor spp and Rhizopus spp. Also, results of the total bacterial and fungal counts were obtained. The presence of this potential pathogen is an indication that hairdressing salons could be contributing to the spread of infection with the campus and also the university community. Keywords: Hair Dressing Salons, Microbial contamination, Tools used in hair dressing, Pathogens.

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