
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of maize and yam peels meal based diets with and without enzyme supplementation on the growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens at finisher phase. One hundred and eighty (180), one day-old broiler chicks were fed six diets in two groups. The experiment was arranged in a 2 × 3 factorial experimental layout of two levels of enzyme (0g/100kg diet and 50g/100kg diet) and three levels of yam peels inclusion (0kg, 15kg and 30kg). Each treatment was replicated 3 times consisting of 10 chicks per replicate. The experiment lasted 4 weeks. Main effect of graded levels of yam peel meal and enzymes supplementation on growth performance of starter broiler chickens showed significant (P ? 0.05) influence on final weight, total weight, total weight grain and daily weight grain. Birds fed 0% YPM recorded higher statistical value of 2549.00g for final weight. Interaction effect of YPM and enzyme showed significant (<0.05) effect on growth performance of finisher broiler chickens. Final weight, total weight gain and daily weight gain were significantly (<0.05) influenced by interaction of YPM and enzyme. Birds fed control diet (T1 ) recorded higher significant (P<0.05) values for final weight of comparative level. Least value of 2220.00g was recorded for final weight in the birds fed 15% YPM without enzyme (T2 ). Varying levels of YPM as a partial replacement for maize had no significant (P>0.05) effect on nutrient digestibility. Higher values were recorded for birds fed 0% inclusion level of YPM across the parameter determined with the exception of ether extract and ash. Inclusion of YPM with enzyme supplementation had significant (P<0.05) interaction effects on percentage dry matter digestibility, crude protein digestibility and crude fibre digestibility. Dry matter digestibility decreased with increased level of YPM with or without enzyme. Inclusion of yam peels meal up to 30% level of replacement for maize with or without enzyme supplementation could be recommended for appreciable nutrient digestibility and improved growth performance of finisher broiler chickens.

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