
This work evaluated the efficacy of parvoviral vectors expressing human IP-10 or mouse TNFalpha as tools against subcutaneous glioblastoma tumors in two animal models. First, new recombinant MVMp- and H1- based vectors expressing human IP-10 or mouse TNFalpha were constructed. It was shown that parvoviral vectors could effectively infect both human and murine glioblastoma cells. High amounts of the transgene proteins were produced upon infection with particular vectors. All tested cell lines were sensitive to wild type parvoviruses. Two animal models were established: murine Gl261 glioma cells were used for inducing subcutaneous tumors in C57/Bl6 mice and human U87 glioblastoma cells produced subcutaneous tumors in cd1 swiss nude mice. The antitumoral effects mediated in vivo by recombinant and wild type parvoviruses (MVMp and H1) were investigated in these animal models. High efficacy of IP-10 and TNFalpha-encoding parvoviral vectors could be demonstrated in both models. Infecting tumor cells with recombinant parvoviruses encoding IP-10 or TNFalpha as well as treating established tumors with these vectors provided conditions to observe antitumor effect. In nude mice combined IP-10/TNFalpha expression resulted with significant tumor growth delay, reduced tumor volume and prolongation of animal survival. This effect was not dependent on angiogenesis inhibition. It is possible that NK cells participate in observed antitumoral effects. The best therapeutic effect – complete tumor eradication – could be demonstrated in immunocompetent animals. This effect was reached when both types of virus (IP-10 and TNFalpha-expressing) were administered simultaneously. Histological analysis and MRI study showed that antitumoral effects in this system (tumor growth delay, reduced tumor volume and prolongation of animal survival) were not dependent on the inhibition of angiogenesis. We were able to show that intact immune system is necessary to obtain a strong antitumor effect. Rechallenged animals are protected from tumor growth. Gl261 glioma cells can be specifically recognized by host spleenocytes. The data from the literature suggest that the main effectors in the antitumoral response could be CD8+ T cells. TNFalpha - expressing vector demonstrated the ability to support dendritic cell maturation. In the systems investigated here the effectiveness of wild type H1 and MVMp viruses could not be demonstrated. Taken together, the data obtained in this work are promising and suggest that recombinant parvoviruses are good candidates for gene therapy of glioma. In the future, antitumoral effects of these vectors should be investigated in the intracranial system like well-described Gl261 model.

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