
The development of cross-border cooperation recognize an important tool for gradual integration in the EU. Great need for improvement and development of the Ukrainian-Romanian cross-border cooperation does not lose relevance. Ukraine and Romania have significant potential for cross-border cooperation development. This situation caused by unrealized opportunities in the field of trade and economic development, the participation of countries in regional and international organizations, as well as Romania's membership in the EU. Romania is actively involved in the implementation of major EU programs. Stable economic growth, low inflation, stable exchange rate for leu on the euro and the low level of public debt help to the Romanian economy become possible destination for European investors. In the article the Ukrainian-Romanian economic relations (economic environment) of cross-border region. Contractual and legal documents that relating to cross-border cooperation, the composition of the Romanian-Ukrainian cross-border region are showed, paid attention to the problems that arise in the process of cooperation, cross-border clusters, operational programs and other activities of Ukrainian-Romanian cross-border region. Key words: cross-border cooperation; economic environment; Ukrainian-Romanian cross-border region; Euro-regional cooperation; legal framework.

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