
Twenty six durum wheat advanced lines and four commercial cultivars were evaluated under two, three, and four irrigation regimes (a total of 44, 56, and 70 cm of water applied, respectively) at the Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station, Sonora, Mexico, during the fall-winter 2021-2022 crop season. The plot size consisted of two beds five meters long with two rows and separated by 80 cm. Sowing was carried out on December 15, 2021, in dry soil at the rate of 100 kg ha-1. The experimental design used was alpha lattice with three replications. The analysis of variance was performed with SAS and the mean comparison with the LSD test (p≤ 0.05). The entire experimental plots were harvested with a wintersteiger type Nr:1540-46 classic cereal thresher. The variables evaluated were: days to flowering, plant height (cm), days to physiological maturity, and grain yield (kg ha-1). Highly significant statistical differences were detected between the number of irrigations and between the genotypes evaluated; the highest grain yield was obtained with four complementary irrigations with an average of 8,428 kg ha-1, followed by three irrigations with 7,709 kg ha-1, and two irrigations with 6,788 kg ha-1. The advanced lines BCRIS/BICUM//LLARETAINIA/3/DUKEM_12/2*RASCON_21 /5/SILK_3/DIPPER_6/3/ACO89/DUKEM_4//5*ACO89/4/PLATA_7/ILBOR_1//SOMAT_3/12/ARTICO/AJAIA_3// HUALITA/10/PLATA_10/6/MQUE/4/USDA573//QFN/AA_7/3/ALBA-D/5/AVO/HUI/7/PLATA_13/8/THKNEE_11 /9/CHEN/ALTAR84/3/HUI/P and TJILKURI/3/BARJ/PAGA_2//MARA_1/BARNACLA_1/5/MOHAWK/AYSR_1/4/ RCEE_2/CMOS_3/3/GUAYACAN INIA/GUANAY//FUMA_5 showed average grain yields greater than 8 t ha-1, with 8,092 and 8,059 kg ha-1, respectively, while commercial cultivars CIRNO C2008, Don Lupe C2020, CENEB Oro C2017, and Noroeste C2021, showed 7,110, 7,663, 7,819, and 7,947 kg ha-1, respectively. The overall grain yield average was 7,641.5 kg ha-1. Minor differences were detected in days to flowering which had a range of 72-77 days with an average of 75.2, days to physiological maturity with a range of 115-120 and avg of 116.9, and plant height with a range of 83-93 cm and avg of 87.5 cm.

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