
The National Advisory Neurological Diseases and Blindness Council is to be commended for sponsoring this 2-day conference which examined the problems of drug therapy evaluation. The program was planned around 4 half-day sessions, the first of which considered the problems of testing from the point of view of a pharmacologist, a representative of the pharmaceutical industry, a representative of the Food and Drug Administration, and several biostatisticians. The second and third sessions consisted of the meetings of the 8 special panels which considered such items as epilepsy, vertigo, neuralgias and neuropathies, headache, glaucoma and Parkinsonism. The last general session heard reports by the panel chairmen on the results of their deliberations and closed with a summation by Dr. Francis M. Forster, the general chairman. The general outline for testing programs was presented by the biostatisticians and touched on such items as the number of patients needed for a study, double

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