
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the different modules for management of False Smut of rice caused by Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) in field condition. The On Farm Trials (OFT) was conducted during Kharif, 2018-19 to evaluate various chemicals & biopesticides (Module) for management of disease. The soil drenching of Trichoderma @5.0Kg/ha with 100kg FYM(Before transplanting), Seed treatment with Vitavax @ 2.5gm/kg (During nursery sowing) & two spray of tebuconazole 25EC @ 1.0ml/lt (During vegetative phase & before panicle initiation) was found most effective module for management of False Smut of rice and resulted in minimum 8% disease severity with 33.14% increase in yield over the check followed by module no. 02 where disease severity was 11% and 25.14 % increase in yield.

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