
Introduction: Sucralose is an artificial sweetener without calorie that derived from sugar or sucrose. It is 600 times sweeter than sugar also makes low calorie. Cipla as a commercial sweetener have different compounds such as, lactose, L-lusin, Cross Carmellose Sodium. Sucralose is stable in the presence of ethanol and can retain 99% of its true taste after one year, as well as maintain its properties during pasteurization, sterilization, and high temperature baking. It also does not interfere with glucose uptake, carbohydrate metabolism or insulin secretion. Pharmacokinetic studies have shown that 85% of sucralose is not absorbed and is completely excreted through the stool and its absorption rate is limited to 15% in passive release. Recent studies have shown a link between the use of sweeteners and renal toxicity, hepatotoxicity or retardation of fetal and placenta formation. Sucralose is converted to hydrolysis products 4- Chloro glucose and 1,6 di chlorofructose by hydrolysis. These metabolites are more resistant to hydrolysis and complete degradation as sucrose chlorination and conversion to sucralose alter the conversion of the molecule to glycosidic enzymes. The digestive tract, which normally breaks down carbohydrates, becomes. In a double-blind study by Grots et al., it was found that sucralose at a dose of 7.5 mg‌/ kg‌/‌day for one month had no significant effect on serum glucose and HbA1c levels in humans. Other studies on non-diabetic human specimens have shown that high doses of sucralose or aspartame do not affect blood glucose, peptide c, or hemoglobin levels of HbA1c, even at multiple doses. According to conflicting reports on the metabolic effects of sweeteners, the study assessed the effect of using the commercial form of sucralose (Cipla) on serum electrophoretic proteins in healthy and diabetic rats.Materials and methods: This study will be done on 24 male rats divided in four equal groups, control and treatment. Control group will have base ration. In the study of Shastry and et al, is 15mg/kg for human. Therefore, in this study dosage of sucralose will be 15mg/kg. Treatment group will be injected daily for 1-month. All rats used for this study have same peripheral conditions .At the end of the experimental period, all rat were bled, and after serum isolation, the serum protein electrophoresis curve was prepared and evaluated by acetate cellulose technique.Results and discussion:The amount of total protein and serum albumin was recorded in the healthy treatment group (7.18±0.22 g/dl) and (3.36±0.11 g/dl), in the diabetic control group (7.16±0.18 g/dl) and (3.41±0.09 g/dl), but with the amount of these factors in the serum of other study groups, there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). The amount of alpha 1 globulin in the serum of healthy control group (0.01±0.30 g/dl) was significantly lower than the rate of this factor in animal serum of diabetic control group (0.04±0.51 g/dl) and healthy treatment group (0.03±0.46 g/dl) (p 0.05). Gammaglobulin levels were determined in the healthy treatment group (1.20±0.12 g/dl), diabetic treatment (1.10±0.21 g/dl), healthy control group (1.33±0.14 g/dl) and diabetic control group (1.25±0.08 g/dl), Which showed a no significant statistical difference between the studied groups (p>0.05). The study showed that the use of aspartame, acesulfam, and sucralose sweeteners in acceptable daily intake (ADI) doses for three weeks did not have a mutagenic effect on healthy and diabetic rats and had no effect on serum factors which is consistent with the results of the present study. This study demonstrated a significant change in the alpha 1 globulin band in the electrophoretic curve. The bulk of this protein bond is made up of the alpha protein an antitrypsin, a single-chain glycoprotein consisting of 394 amino acids that has a molecular mass of about 52 kDa and easily passes through interstitial fluid to the target tissues. This protein has a negative charge and cannot pass through the glomerular membrane of the kidney. This protein is one of the most important inhibitors of serum human serum proteases and inhibits several proteins such as elastase, collagenase and trypsin. Diabeticization of the animals tested, as well as the consumption of sweeteners, appear to accelerate the production of acute phase proteins, increasing alpha 1 globulin in the electrophoretic curve.Conclusion: The results of this study showed no change in protein bands other than alpha 1 globulin. Therefore, it can be said that sucralose has little effect on the electrophoretic curve of serum proteins.Keywords: Cipla, Electrophoretic curve, Rat, Serum protein, Sucralose.

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