
Postgraduate specialities require a combination of knowledge and clinical skills. The internship year is less structured. Clinical and practical skills that are picked up during training are not well regulated and the impact is not assessed. In this study, we assessed knowledge and skills using objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). To evaluate the clinical skills of new first-year surgical residents using orientation programme and OSCE as a tool for assessment. Observational study. Twenty new first-year surgical residents (10 each in 2008 and 2009) participated in a detailed structured orientation programme conducted over a period of 7 days. Clinically important topics and skills expected at this level (e.g., suturing, wound care etc.) were covered. The programme was preceded by an OSCE to test pre-programme knowledge (the "pre-test"). The questions were validated by senior department staff. A post-programme OSCE (the "post-test") helped to evaluate the change in clinical skill level brought about by the orientation programme. Wilcoxson matched-pairs signed-ranks test. Passing performance was achieved by all participants in both pre- and post-tests. Following the orientation programme, significant improvement was seen in tasks testing the psychomotor and cognitive domains. (P = 0.0001 and P = 0.0401, respectively). Overall reliability of the OSCE was found to be 0.7026 (Cronbach's coefficient alpha). This study highlighted the lacunae in current internship training, especially for skill-based tasks. There is a need for universal inclusion of structured orientation programmes in the training of first-year residents. OSCE is a reliable, valid and effective method for the assessment of clinical skills.

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