
Luvanda FT, Lyimo ME. 2018. Evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant attributes of Tanzanian honey from two agroecological areas. Biofarmasi J Nat Prod Biochem 16: 69-82. In order to appraise the characteristic of Tanzanian honey based on antioxidant attributes and antimicrobial activity on bacteria and fungi in relation to its physicochemical attributes, the study was conducted. The examined honey was sampled from two kinds of bees namely stinging and stingless honey bees and was gathered from the western area (Tabora and Shinyanga) and the central area (Singida and Dodoma). They were examined for their antimicrobial activity, anti-oxidant attributes (total phenol, vitamin C) and physicochemical attributes of pH, color, pH, sugar, and minerals. 54 % of tested honey samples inhibited microbial growth but the remaining 46% did not inhibit the growth. Microbial impediment areas range from 8.5 to 14.16 mm (stinging honey bee) and 10.56-15.13 mm (stingless honey bee). Honey yielded by stinging honey bee in the cities of Shinyanga, Bukombe, and Nzega and the cities of Singida and Issuna is more effective in impeding microbial growth than that of other cities. Candida albicans is more sensitive (23.1%) to honey of stingless honey bee, followed by Staphylococcus saprophyticus (33%), Salmonella typhi (32%), Escherichia coli (19.2%) and Aspergillus flavus (16.0%). The substance of antioxidant, total phenol and vitamin C in honey of stingless honey bee were importantly (P <0.05) higher than that of honey of stinging honey bee. Antioxidants (FRAP) ranged from 322.16-973.57 µMFe (II) /100g, total phenols was from 13.87-33.55 mg /100g and vitamin C was from 2.54-10.99 mg /100. At pH value, there was no substantial dissimilarity (P> 0.05) between the two samples of honey. Potassium possesses the highest value while Zn possesses the lowest value in samples of honey of stinging and stingless honey bee. The gradation color of honey of stingless honey bee ranged from extra light amber-light amber while that of honey of stinging bee ranged from white water-light amber. There was a positive and substantial correlation (P <0.001) between the color of honey, antioxidants, total phenol, and mineral substance. Stingless honey bee's honey from the western region is superior to stinging honey bee's honey in antioxidant and antimicrobial attributes and therefore is prompted to be utilized as a valuable diet product, preventive and curative medicine.

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