
Background:Networks are critical for leadership development, but not all networks and networking activities are created equally. Women and people of color face unique challenges accessing networks, many of which were exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual platforms offer opportunities for global professionals to connect and can be better tailored to meet the needs of different groups. As part of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health annual meeting in 2021, we organized a networking session to provide a networking space for emerging women leaders in global health (i.e. trainees, early career professionals, and/or those transitioning to the field).Objectives:We evaluated the virtual networking session to better understand participants’ perception of the event and its utility for professional growth and development.Methods:We distributed online surveys to participants immediately after the event and conducted a 3-month follow-up. Out of 225 participant, 24 responded to both surveys and their data was included in the analysis. We conducted descriptive quantitative analysis for multiple choice and Likert scale items; qualitative data was analyzed for themes.Findings:Participants represented 8 countries and a range of organizations. Participants appreciated the structure of the networking session; all participants agreed that they met someone from a different country and most indicated they had plans to collaborate with a new connection. When asked if the event strengthened their network and if they will keep in touch with new people, most participants strongly agreed or agreed in both surveys. However, after the follow-up, participants noted challenges in sustaining connections including lack of follow-up and misaligned expectations of networks.Conclusions:The virtual networking event brought together women in global health from diverse backgrounds. This study found that while networking events can be impactful in enhancing professional networks, ensuring sustained connections remains a challenge. This study also suggests that measures to increase the depth and meaningfulness of these connections in a virtual setting and enabling post-event collaboration can help networks become more inclusive and sustainable.

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