
The ESrT-system 200 comprises a 215 mm long vacuum aspiration venepuncture tube which contains anticoagulant diluent for the measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) without direct handling of the blood sample. This combines the advantage of a tube of "Westergren" length with a reduction in biohazard risk. Blood from 160 patients (ESR range 2-135 mm/first hour) was tested in parallel with the selected Westergren ESR method of the International Committee for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) and a close correlation (r = 0.967) between the two methods was obtained. A second Westergren ESR, using anticoagulated but undiluted blood, was measured on 58 specimens to give an ICSH "expected" ESR. The ESrT-system 200 result was within 12 mm/first hour of the "expected" result for 91% of the specimens. This new ESR system is simple to use, does not require mathematical correction of the ESR reading for tube length, and gives results that are comparable with those obtained with the ICSH Westergren method.

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