This study evaluates the applicability of different models of coordinate transformation between local and global geodetic datums. The results indicate the grid-based method as the best solution, assuming a sufficient density of tie points. Transformation based on a limited number of tie points, which do not reflect the real state of the survey basis in a particular area, have limited possibilities to reduce nonuniform and unequally distributed distortions that are usually found in the spatial data. This inevitably leads to the degradation of accuracy of transformation results, which is unacceptable. By using the optimal resolution grid model, which includes geodetic points from the area of the cadastral municipality that is being transformed, much better results are achieved compared to the model of distortion shifts used in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This study evaluates the applicability of different models of coordinate transformation between local and global geodetic datums
Utež pomika identične točke je obratnosorazmerna kvadratu oddaljenosti te točke od točke grida
2.1 Transformacija z gridnim modelom pomikov Ko sta koordinatna sistema (geodetska datuma) A in B definirana s 3D-kartezičnimi koordinatami. (X, Y, Z), je transformacija točke j iz sistema A v sistem B s 7-parametrično Helmertovo podobnostno transformacijo (model Burša-Wolf ) definirana z izrazom (Mulahusić in sod., 2017):. Zgornja predpostavka pri obravnavi transformacije med datumi različnih lastnosti nima podlage. Ena takšnih rešitev je transformacija na podlagi grida pomikov, ki se uporablja v FBiH. Ta transformacija temelji na konformnem premiku datuma in uporabi modela pomikov. Na vsaki točki grida pomikov oddaljenosti enega kilometra so bile komponente pomikov izračunane kot splošna aritmetična sredina pomikov na identičnih točkah, ki so blizu točke grida. Utež pomika identične točke je obratnosorazmerna kvadratu oddaljenosti te točke od točke grida. Komponente pomika v poljubni točki, ki se transformira, izračunamo z znanimi transformacijskimi parametri najbližjih točk grida z uporabo bilinearne interpolacije. Podrobnosti te transformacije so opisane v navedeni literaturi (Božinov in sod., 2011; FGU, 2015a; FGU, 2015b)
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