
Tourism ecological security evaluation is a critical way of measuring the sustainable development of tourism destinations. Based on ecological system theory, this study creates a new comprehensive evaluation model, “Driver-Pressure-State- Impact-Response"—"Data Envelopment Analysis” (DPSIR-DEA), to measure tourism ecological security, which is an evaluation of “Quality” from the perspective of “Efficiency”. The Yangtze River Delta (YRD) is chosen as the study site, and methods including Geo-Detector and spatial autocorrelation are used to analyze space-time law and influence factors. Results indicate that the spatial differentiation pattern of southeast–northwest is gradually presented from hot-spot to cold-spot. Moreover, some critical impact factors affecting tourism ecological security are identified, including third-industry growth rate, tourist density, etc, and the driving mechanism is constructed. We not only introduces a new evaluation of tourism ecological security but also explores the crucial impact indexed and the driving mechanism.

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