
The rate of late blight disease was analysed for individuals of a diploid Solanum phureja–Solanum tuberosum dihaploid hybrid population (PD), using three different assessment techniques, in the laboratory, screenhouse, and field. These hybrids expressed low disease rates in the field, comparable to resistance based on intact R genes. However, none of the parents of PD expressed any R genes and the pattern of segregation within the PD population was not indicative of R‐gene inheritance. The foliage (or leaflet) area diseased had the largest broad‐sense heritability of all criteria analysed, in all tests performed. In the field evaluations, the PD population showed intermediate levels of broad‐sense heritability for foliage area diseased, relative to the much larger heritability detected for the group of controls possessing R genes. Resistance in the field of the PD hybrids had very little genotype‐environment (G × E) interaction, indicating stability of its expression. All genotypes without R genes exhibited heritable, reduced rates of late blight disease in the field, but they were susceptible with low heritability in screenhouse and laboratory tests. This differential expression of disease indicates that the plants' indirect response to unknown environmental stress in the field may have been measured. The value of the PD hybrids for breeding of late blight resistant potato and the use of the disease rate data for detection of the underlying quantitative trait loci are discussed.

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