
ADVANCE was an in-vehicle advanced traveler information system (ATIS) providing route guidance in real time that operated in the northwestern portion and northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. It used probe vehicles to generate dynamically travel time information about expressways, arterials, and local streets. Tests to evaluate the subsystems of ADVANCE, executed with limited availability of test vehicles and stringent scheduling, are described; they provided useful insights into both the performance of the ADVANCE system as a whole and the desirable and effective characteristics of ATIS deployments generally. Tests found that the user features of an in-route guidance system must be able to accommodate a broad range of technological sophistication and network knowledge among the population likely to become regular users of such a system. For users who know the local network configuration, only a system giving reliable real-time data about nonrecurrent congestion is likely to find a market base beyond specialized applications. In general, the quality and usefulness of systemwide real-time route guidance provided by other means are enhanced significantly by even a small deployment of probes: probe data greatly improve static (archival average) link travel time estimates by time of day, although the guidance algorithms that use these data should also include arterial traffic signal timings. Moreover, probe- and detector-based incident detection on arterial networks shows considerable promise for improved performance and reliability.

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