
This study aims to find out what the meaning of the evaluation is, then why the teacherneeds to conduct an evaluation of the learning program and what are the objects andtargets in the evaluation and how to carry out the evaluation of the program. This researchis motivated by the existence of an evaluation process of student learning outcomes andevaluation of the teaching process. When we see in the evaluation process only concernedwith evaluating learning outcomes, it seems less comprehensive. Therefore, it is necessaryto discuss program evaluation. Therefore the evaluation needs to be planned carefully,because it is related and involves many aspects. The method used in this study is a librarywhere data is taken from several reference books relating to the evaluation of learning.Then analyzed using a descriptive approach. Furthermore, the conclusion of this study isthe evaluation of Islamic education programs is an assessment of the design or activitythat is planned carefully to provide guidance to someone so that he can be a human beingwho can develop optimally in accordance with Islamic teachings. Furthermore, beforeevaluating the program, we must first pay attention to institutional objectives and thenspecialize in the field of PAI study and consider the competence of graduates as having:recognizing and behaving in accordance with the teachings of Islam, recognizing andexercising their rights and obligations, having employment ethics, and caring for theirenvironment , think logically critically, and be creative and communicate through variousmedia, enjoy beauty and get into a clean, fit and healthy life, have a sense of love and pridefor the nation and the motherland. Then in carrying out program evaluation can be doneby people from within (people involved in activities), and can also be people from outside(people who are not involved in program activities). The teacher is the implementer sothey know very well what is happening in the teaching and learning process. Teachersare important for improving the quality of teaching, to improve the teaching process thatwill be carried out at a later time. And the last way to carry out program evaluation isby preparing a questionnaire instrument, interview guidelines, observation guidelinesand so forth. The simplest way is to record the events experienced from daily activities inclass.

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