
The purpose of this study are (1) assess the achievement of coaching swimming program in South Kalimantan, (2) assessing the implementation of training programs in South Kalimantan swimmer, (3) examine the role of the coach in improving swimmer in South Kalimantan Province, (4) examine the role of regional board helps to improve performance in sports in swimming in South Kalimantan, (5) assess the facilities and infrastructure owned by the swimmer in South Kalimantan, (6) assessing the community and government support to the provincial sports performance enhancement in athletes swimming in South Kalimantan Province, (7) examines owned swimming achievements by athletes in the province of South Kalimantan. This type of research is the study of evaluation, using a survey method. Evaluation research model used is the model CIPP (context, input, process, and product). Analysis data using the flow model methods. The validity of data from the results of the evaluation carried out by testing the credibility of the data, testing the data transferability, dependability test data, and test the data confirmability.The results of the study with the CIPP model evaluation showed that (1) Context, show support KONI, the Government and people still need to be increased again. (2) Input, trainer resources, facilities, training programs still need improvement. (3) process, needs improvement process select activities ranging from training to implementation (4) Product, needs to increase more as a national achievement as an indicator of the well has not been achieved. The conclusions of the research is the process of coaching swimming in South Kalimantan in general is low, either from views of Context, Input, Process and Product. Based on the 1-4 scale ratings were in the range of 2.8 Context of less categories, input is in the range 2.4 less category, process is in the range 2.6 less category, and the Product is in the range 2.1 less category. Key words : Evaluation, developing, sports, swimming

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