
European Higher Education Area has favoured methodological changes at the University level, encouraging the use of participatory methodologies that transformed the processes of teaching - learning in which is involved both teachers and students. In this work, we analyze the perception of the student it brings over of the participative methodologies in the university classrooms, as well as his evaluation brings over of the methodologies implemented during the course 2014/2015 in the Practical Educations and of of the subject Educational Strategies for the Sociocultural Animation and the Community Development (4o course of the Double Degree in Social Education and Social Work of the Pablo de Olavide University, of Seville). Between the obtained results it is outlined the conscience of the student in relation to the benefits of the application of participative methodologies in the subjects, as well as the requirements of responsibility and commitment that it needs in the student and the professorship. Likewise, it is highlighted a positive perception on the resources used in the experience developed to promote a participative methodology. In conclusion, we observe that evaluations of teaching methodologies conform as feedback processes that pursue the improvement of teaching practices and, therefore, the process of teaching and learning of students.

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