
Contents: Foreword, FranA ois Heisbourg Europe for the Europeans: the foreign and security policy of the populist radical right, Christina Schori Liang Against the 'green totalitarianism': anti-Islamic nativism in contemporary radical right-wing populism in Western Europe, Hans-Georg Betz On the aims and objections of the Austrian far right in the fields of foreign and military politics, Fabian Virchow Our own people first in a Europe of peoples: the international policy of the Vlaams Blok, Marc Swyngedouw, Koen Abts and Maarten van Craen Nationalism, new right, and new cleavages in Danish politics: foreign and security policy of the Danish People's Party, JA,rgen Goul Andersen 'La politique du dehors avec les raisons du dedans': foreign and defence policy of the French Front National, Jocelyn A.J. Evans 'Nationalism ensures peace': the foreign and security policy of the German populist radical right after (re)unification, Christina Schori Liang The Communist legacy? a " Populist but not popular a " the foreign policies of the Hungarian radical right, Eric Beckett Weaver Recalcitrant allies. The conflicting foreign policy agenda of the Alleanza Nazionale and the Lega Nord, Marco Tarchi A Fortuynist foreign policy, Cas Mudde The Swiss People's Party and the foreign and security policy since the 1990s, Oscar Mazzoleni Non Angeli, sed Angli: the neo-populist foreign policy of the 'new' BNP, Roger Griffin Between tradition and transition: the central European radical right and the new European order, Michael Minkenberg A specific variant of neo-populism: foreign and security policies of extreme right parties in the European Parliament elections in 2004, Volker Ahlemeyer Appendix Index.

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