
The instability of the situation in the Eurasian space, renewed conflicts in the Transcaucasus, political events in Belarus and individual cities of Russia, on the one hand, and the ongoing integration processes in the post-Soviet space between states and peoples that are close in historical memory and national-cultural values, on the other, - determine the relevance of the issue of the ideological security of Russia, as well as the ideological support of these integration processes. The political and legal doctrine of Eurasianism substantiates the inevitability of the common fate of the peoples inhabiting the territory of the former Russian Empire and the USSR, determines the grounds for the peaceful coexistence of these peoples, as well as their interaction, from various sides and positions. This article examines the political and legal views of the later representatives of Eurasianism - L.N. Gumilyov and V.V. Kozhinov. The method of working with primary sources, the comparative method, the historical method, partly the method of ascent from the concrete to the abstract is used. It is concluded that the named thinkers develop in their works a civilizational approach to history, society, the state, and also determine the ideological foundations of national unity on the territory of Russia-Eurasia. It should be noted that despite the extensive bibliography of studies of Eurasianism in legal science, the works of V.V. Kozhinov and L.N. Gumilyov are rarely touched upon by scientists. Meanwhile, L.N. Gumilev brought the civilizational approach to the level of the scientific theory of ethnogenesis, developed in detail the concept of passionarity, and V.V. Kozhinov is the largest Russian historian of the XX century and offers a balanced and reasonable approach to this period of development of our country.



  • The instability of the situation in the Eurasian space, renewed conflicts in the Transcaucasus, political events in Belarus and individual cities of Russia, on the one hand, and the ongoing integration processes in the post-Soviet space between states and peoples that are close in historical memory and national-cultural values, on the other, — determine the relevance of the issue of the ideological security of Russia, as well as the ideological support of these integration processes

  • The political and legal doctrine of Eurasianism substantiates the inevitability of the common fate of the peoples inhabiting the territory of the former Russian Empire and the USSR, determines the grounds for the peaceful coexistence of these peoples, as well as their interaction, from various sides and positions

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ЕВРАЗИЙСТВО КАК ОДНА ИЗ ИДЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ОСНОВ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ РОССИИ В XX И XXI ВВ.: ПОЛИТИКО-ПРАВОВЫЕ ВЗГЛЯДЫ Л.Н. В этой части евразийство уже нельзя трактовать исключительно как историческое явление, это вполне живое и действующее учение, во многом актуальное для современных российских реалий, в частности интеграционных процессов на постсоветском пространстве (Назмутдинов, 2017: 8).

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