
Ethylene (C 2H 4) evolution from developing apple ( Malus domestica, Borkh.) fruits declined rapidly during the 8-week period after petal fall (PF). No difference in C 2H 4 evolution was measured between developing and senescing fruits during the third, fourth and fifth weeks after PF. High levels of C 2H 4 evolution were detected, however, in some senescing fruits at 7 and 8 weeks after PF. C 2H 4 evolution could not be used to separate developing and senescing fruits during the period of “June drop”. In the first 4 weeks after PF in ‘Stayman’ fruits, and up to 22 days after anthesis in ‘Golden Delicious’ fruits, measured C 2H 4 among replicates was extremely variable. This variability did not appear to be caused by tissue wounding during sampling. Wounding did increase fruitlet C 2H 4, but reduced variability. Artificially-induced parthenocarpic fruits evolved low levels of C 2H 4. Parthenocarpic fruits obtained by spraying with GA 3 evolved a greater level of C 2H 4 than did unsprayed, parthenocarpic fruits. We suggest that the high variability measured early in the growing season may be caused by rapid changes in fruit and seed development which stimulate surges in C 2H 4 production.

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