
Although educational employment and poverty data for Mexican Americans suggest high or higher stress exposure than those for Anglo-Americans the former group appears to underutilize mental health services. Studies have suggested that more sensitivity to cultural factors might enhance utilization. Although Planned Parenthood attempts to provide culturally relevant services its attitude towards contraceptives and stress in the womans decision making role could be viewed negatively by Mexican Americans. 40 Anglo and 40 Mexican American women seeking counselling at a Planned Parenthood Agency were assigned randomly to 4 Planned Parenthood Counsellor descriptions and asked to rate counselors credibility and attractiveness. The descriptions varied in their ethnicity (Anglo vs. Mexican) and philosophies for locus of choice for family planning decisions (individual vs. family). The Anglo women earned slightly higher incomes (US$665/month average vs. US$478) and had more years of education (13.38 years vs. 12.33 years). No evidence was found that Mexican-American women view ethnically similar counselors as more credible or attractive than ethnically disimilar counselors. The hypothesis that Ango-American women would rate the counselor with an individual choice philosophy highest whereas Mexican American women would rate this counselor lowest was also unsupported. Mexican American women rated the counselor as more trustworthy (regardless of counselor ethnicity) than did Anglo-American women and showed no evidence of thinking differently about counselors favoring a strong individual decision-making role. It is possible that the data is not generalizable to Mexican American groups from lower socioeconomic or education levels and continued affirmative action effort by counselling agencies is advisable.

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