
The research deals with the concept of moral education as one of the most influential concepts in the process of teaching the foundations of architectural design. It defines it as "an integrated educational program organized according to the highest moral values ​​within an academic institution concerned with architecture. Its program consists of three main elements: Educational and assessment tools and assessment, and requires reliability and quality Crickshten for the maintenance of architecture as a profession to the level of comprehensive or partial reform, which requires professors to perpetuate the modernization of methods of moral architectural education as well as the development, resulting in innovative architectural texts Individual and society", thus research problem is in the (development of a comprehensive theoretical perception about the ethics of education architecture). Therefore, the research aims at clarifying the strategy of the moral education of architecture as well as its foundations and the methods of evaluating its quality. Accordingly, the research assumes that the indicators of the ethics of architectural education have a positive effect in the formulation of creative architectural productions. In order to address the research issue and achieve the objectives of the research and validation of the hypothesis was first built knowledge framework, and then a comprehensive theoretical framework of the ethics of architectural education derived from the architectural ideas and support to be embodied in final form in three main indicators, namely: the strategy of moral education for architecture, and the foundations of moral education of architecture, And then an exploratory study evaluating the quality of education and its ethics in the Department of Architecture / University of Technology. Finally, a set of conclusions were reached which show the control of the practice of architectural education according to all its indicators Creative abstraction.

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