
The authors carried out a study on differents echocardiographic values of the horse. They determi ­ned the following parameters: Lefi Ventricular Diastolic Diameter (LVDD), Lefi Ventricular Systolic Diameter (LVSD), Diastolic Thickness of Interventricular Septum (DTIS), Systolic Thickness of Inter­ventricular Septum (STIS), Left Ventricular Diastolic Thickness of Free Wall (LVDTFW), Lefi Ventricu­lar Systolic Thickness of Free Wall (LVSTFW), Diastolic Diameter of Left Atrium (DDLA), Diastolic Diameter of Aortic Ring (DDAR), Diastolic Diameter of Valsalva Sinus (DDVS), Diastolic Diameter of Aortic Root (DDAR), Diastolic Area of Aortic Ring (DAAR), Diastolic Perimeter of Aortic Ring (DPAR), Left Ventricular Diastolic Volume (LVDV), Left Ventricular Systolic Volume (LVSV), Left Ventricular Ejec­tion Fraction (LVEF), Left Ventricular Fractional Shortening (LVFS), Velocity of Circumferencial Shor­tening (VCS), Left Ventricular Free Wall Fractional Thickening (LVFWFS), Fractional Thickening of Interventricular Septum (FTIS), E-point Septal Separation (EPSS), Normalized E-point Septal Separa­tion (EPSSn), Left Ventricular Pre-ejection Period (LVPEP), Left Ventricular Ejection Time (LVET), Total electromechanical Systole (TES) and the LVPEP/LVET ratio. Statistically we obtained the mean,-standard deviation, coefficient of variation, median, the maxi ­mum and minimum values, first and third cuartil. Also the correlation between the EPSS and LVFS; EPSSn and LVFS; Systolic intervals and heart a e Systolic-intervals and body weight; ventricular dia ­ meters and body weight, ventricular volumes and body weight; parietal and septal thickness and body weight was also studied. Also, in the casas in which the correlation was significant the lineal regres ­sion was studied. The obtained values of each one of the parameters studied are in the Tables 1 and II of the body of the article.

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