
This investigation was carried out in Vegetable Private Farm at Al-Salhyia, Fakous District, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt. Eight potato genotypes were evaluated for tuber yield and its components as well as tuber dry matter (%) under six varied environments which are the combination between three years 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 and two sowing seasons i.e., fall and summer. The combined analysis of variance showed highly significant differences between genotypes, environments as well as G×E for all studied traits except for aerial stem No./plant which was insignificant, Phenotypic stability parameters revealed that potato genotypes Horaizon and Spunta were highly adapted to favorable environment. These results reflected the importance of environmental factors on the performance of genotype. According to phenotypic stability, the best cultivars were Horaizon and Caruso in most traits. For genotypic stability parameters, most cultivars considered stable in different studied traits. Horaizon, Hermus, Spunta and Inova were the most desired and stable for additive main effects and multiplicative interaction methods stability value (ASV) and regression coeffient (R2) in most traits. The ideal potato culturar was Carus for tuber number/plant, while Hermus was the ideal for average tuber weight, tuber yield/plant, tuber yield/fad., and tuber dry matter according to genotype + genotype x environment.

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