
BackgroundQuantifying heterogeneity in malaria transmission is a prerequisite for accurate predictive mathematical models, but the variance in field measurements of exposure overestimates true micro-heterogeneity because it is inflated to an uncertain extent by sampling variation. Descriptions of field data also suggest that the rate of Plasmodium falciparum infection is not proportional to the intensity of challenge by infectious vectors. This appears to violate the principle of mass action that is implied by malaria biology. Micro-heterogeneity may be the reason for this anomaly. It is proposed that the level of micro-heterogeneity can be estimated from statistical models that estimate the amount of variation in transmission most compatible with a mass-action model for the relationship of infection to exposure.MethodsThe relationship between the entomological inoculation rate (EIR) for falciparum malaria and infection risk was reanalysed using published data for cohorts of children in Saradidi (western Kenya). Infection risk was treated as binomially distributed, and measurement-error (Poisson and negative binomial) models were considered for the EIR. Models were fitted using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms and model fit compared for models that assume either mass-action kinetics, facilitation, competition or saturation of the infection process with increasing EIR.ResultsThe proportion of inocula that resulted in infection in Saradidi was inversely related to the measured intensity of challenge. Models of facilitation showed, therefore, a poor fit to the data. When sampling error in the EIR was neglected, either competition or saturation needed to be incorporated in the model in order to give a good fit. Negative binomial models for the error in exposure could achieve a comparable fit while incorporating the more parsimonious and biologically plausible mass action assumption. Models that assume negative binomial micro-heterogeneity predict lower incidence of infection at a given average exposure than do those assuming exposure to be uniform. The negative binomial model moreover provides an estimate of the variance of the within-cohort distribution of the EIR and hence of within cohort heterogeneity in exposure.ConclusionApparent deviations from mass action kinetics in parasite transmission can arise from spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the inoculation rate, and from imprecision in its measurement. For parasites like P. falciparum, where there is no plausible biological rationale for deviations from mass action, this provides a strategy for estimating true levels of heterogeneity, since if mass-action is assumed, the within-population variance in exposure becomes identifiable in cohort studies relating infection to transmission intensity. Statistical analyses relating infection to exposure thus provide a valid general approach for estimating heterogeneity in transmission but only when they incorporate mass action kinetics and shrinkage estimates of exposure. Such analyses make it possible to include realistic levels of heterogeneity in dynamic models that predict the impact of control measures on transmission intensity.


  • Quantifying heterogeneity in malaria transmission is a prerequisite for accurate predictive mathematical models, but the variance in field measurements of exposure overestimates true microheterogeneity because it is inflated to an uncertain extent by sampling variation

  • Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission is measured by the Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR), which is the product of the human biting rate and the sporozoite rate [2]

  • At the time of the study, parasitological resistance to sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine was extremely infrequent in Kenya, so it is assumed that this treatment cleared all pre-existing infections, and there should be no carry-over effects from previous infections

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Quantifying heterogeneity in malaria transmission is a prerequisite for accurate predictive mathematical models, but the variance in field measurements of exposure overestimates true microheterogeneity because it is inflated to an uncertain extent by sampling variation. Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission is measured by the Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR), which is the product of the human biting rate (ma) (mosquito bites per person per night) and the sporozoite rate (the proportion of mosquitoes carrying the infectious sporozoite stage in their salivary glands, s) [2]. Both these quantities can be measured only with difficulty and with considerable sampling error. Ma is assessed either by human landing collections, which rely on the assumption that young men deliberately expose themselves to biting have similar exposure to the general population nearby, or more indirectly, by using mosquito traps

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