
The present investigation entitled “Estimation of combining ability effect in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) was carried out at Post Graduate Farm, MPKV, Rahuri. The material for the present investigation comprised seven parents were crossed in Half diallel fashion to estimate the combining ability for yield and yield attributing traits in mungbean. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes, crosses for most of the traits. Preponderance of non-additive gene effects was realized from higher values of specific combining ability compared to general combining ability and ratio of variances of SCA to GCA. The parents showed high GCA can be used for the future hybridization programs. The gca estimates of genotypes emphasized the importance of lines Phule-M-402-1, BPMR-145, Utkarsha for their use as a desirable parents for enhancing the yield potential through assembling the favorable genes for yield and yield components. The crosses which showed high SCA effect could be used for the hybrid development. The high yielding crosses viz., Utkarsha x TM-96-2, Phule-M-605-21 x TMB-146, Phule-M-605-21 x Utkarsha and Phule-M-402-1 x TMB-146 were found to be the superior for seed yield and yield component and should be further tested across the different environment for their stability performance.

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