
This study aims to determine the carbon stock in seagrass communities in Central Tapanuli, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The research was conducted from July to August 2020 in the coastal areas of Hajoran and Jago Jago. The parameters measured in this study were density, coverage, biomass, carbon content, and carbon stock in seagrass. Biomass analysis and carbon measurement are divided into the top (above-ground biomass) and the bottom substrate (below-ground biomass). Carbon measurements are conducted using the loss on ignition (LOI) approach. The results showed that the seagrass ecosystem on the coast of Central Tapanuli Regency, which was covered by monospecies Enhalus acoroides, was in a less healthy condition with a cover percentage of 30.3-33.3% and a density of 59-67 shoots/m2. Above-ground and below-ground seagrass biomass reached 140.19-188.72 g/m2 and 368.13-423.69 g/m2 respectively, while carbon stock reached 70.57-94.86 g Corg/m2 and 18731-19603 g Corg/m2 and total standing stock range 257.87-290.90 g Corg/m2. The data obtained from this research can be used as a database to see the potential of seagrass beds as storage of CO2 and as an effort to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

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