
Geoelectrical resistivity surveys have been carried out using Schlumberger configuration within the Iyana Iyesi area of Ota, Ogun state. The aim of this research was to experimentally estimate the hydrogeophysical parameters of an aquifer (porosity, transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity and permeability) which have been completed successfully. Since drilling of boreholes specifically to compute the hydraulic parameters is relatively expensive, estimation of the parameters from vertical electrical soundings is considered a reliable alternative. The results showed that the study area has majorly low value of overburden materials serving as the protective capacity to the aquifers that are characteristically high in porosities and transmissivities. This low protective capacity denote the high vulnerability of the aquifer system to the influx of surface-based contaminants. The aquifer systems within the study area possess significantly high storativity property based on their high porosity and transmissivity.

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