
• This contribution presents a dynamic stand growth model for Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests, based on a dataset provided by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf. The dataset includes 143 research plots, covering a wide range of growing sites and providing up to 16 interval measurements per research plot. • The objective of this research is to complement the range of existing beech growth models by bridging the gap between the historical yield tables and the single tree growth models. The specific aim is to develop transition functions which will project three state variables (dominant height, basal area and number of trees per hectare) at any particular time, in response to any arbitrary silvicultural treatment. • Two of the transition functions were derived using the generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA), the third one was derived with the algebraic difference approach (ADA). All the functions were fitted simultaneously using iterative seemingly unrelated regression and a base-age-invariant method. The influence of thinnings on basal area growth was included by fitting different transition functions for thinned and unthinned stands. • The overall model provides satisfactory predictions for time intervals up to 20 years. The new model is robust and its relatively simple structure makes it suitable for economic analysis and decision support.

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