
Abstract A parameter widely used to predict topographic flow blocking is the nondimensional mountain height or, synonymously, the inverse Froude number. Predictions using this parameter are based on the morphology of flows with uniform upstream static stability and wind speed, which rarely occur in the real world. The appropriateness of applying this theory in the presence of nontrivial background stability is therefore investigated using a numerical model. Two methods were considered to estimate the low-level stability, averaging the Brunt–Väisälä frequency below the crest and using the bulk change in θ between the ground and crest level. No single best method emerged for estimating the upstream static stability and thereby mapping the simulations with inversions onto the set of solutions with constant stratification. Instead, the best method depended on the application at hand. To predict the onset of flow stagnation, averaging the low-level stability worked best, while to predict low-level flow diversion the bulk estimate of low-level stability was most appropriate. These results are consistent across a range of inversion thicknesses and strengths. In addition, it is shown that variations in static stability above the mountain crest have little impact on flow blocking.

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