
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) and connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) are expected to have a significant impact on highways, but their planning horizon impacts have not been fully studied in the literature. This study seeks to address this gap by investigating the impact of AVs/CAVs at different stages of adoption on long-range transportation planning horizons in the United States. Planners use travel demand forecasts to make important and expensive transportation supply investment decisions, and this study uses oversaturated traffic data from the NGSIM database to estimate the parameters of the Wiedemann car-following model for a basic freeway. Using data from the European-funded Coexist Project, we construct AV/CAV scenarios that incorporate various mixes of AV/CAV technologies, including cautious driving behavior (AV-Cautious) and more aggressive driving behavior (AV All-Knowing), and span multiple planning horizon planning years. Our findings suggest that the capacity impact of AVs will change based on their penetration in the vehicle fleet. For medium-term planning horizons, AVs will reduce capacities, whereas for long-term planning horizons and the buildout, capacities will be positively impacted. However, the impact of AVs/CAVs on highway capacity is subject to two main limitations, including the assumptions made in this study about the behavior of AVs/CAVs and the lack of consideration for AVs/CAVs in oversaturated traffic in previous literature. Future studies could explore these limitations in more detail and consider other factors, such as the impact of AVs/CAVs on travel demand and the potential for AVs/CAVs to affect mode share. Overall, this research provides valuable information for transportation planners and decision-makers to consider as they develop medium and long-term transportation plans and make informed decisions about the impact of AVs/CAVs.

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