
과밀양식으로 생산성이 저하되고 있는 거제 <TEX>$\cdot$</TEX> 한산만의 안정적이고 지속적인 굴 생산방안을 제시하기 위하여 생태계 모델을 이용하여 먹이 공급량을 추정하였고, 양식 굴의 여수율과 chloro-phyll <TEX>$\alpha$</TEX> 농도로부터 먹이 요구량을 계산하여 양식 수용력을 산정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 수확 크기별 굴의 먹이 요구량은 습중량 4g의 알굴인 경우 1.40~4.82mgC/ind./day (평균 2.49mgC/ind./day), 습중량 7g의 알굴인 경우 1.96-6.77mgC/ind./day (평균 3.50mgC/ind./day) 범위로 나타나 알굴의 습중량이 증가할수록 먹이 요구량도 크게 나타났다. 월별로는 2월이 가장 작았고, 9월이 가장 크게 나타났다. 월별 먹이 공급량을 월별 먹이 요구량으로 나누어 수확 크기별 수용력을 산정한 결과 2월이 평균 6.10 ton/ha로 최저 수용력을 나타내었고, 4월이 14.91 ton/ha로 최대 수용력을 나타내었다. 거제 <TEX>$\cdot$</TEX> 한산만의 알굴 생산량은 9ton/ha로 최대 수용력의 <TEX>$60\%$</TEX> 수준이나 지속적 생산을 위해서는 임계 수용력인 2월의 6.1ton/ha와 통계자료에 의한 최대 생산량 5.5ton/ha를 감안하여 현재 시설량을 <TEX>$32\%{\~}39\%$</TEX> 정도 줄여야 할 것으로 판단되었다. A 3D hydrodynamic-ecological coupled model was applied to estimate carrying capacity in Geoje-Hansan Bay where is one of the most important oyster culturing grounds in Korea. We considered the carrying capacity as the difference between food supply to the oysters and food demand, considering monthly difference of the actual growth. The food supply to the system was determined from the results of the model simulation (tidal exchange and chlorophyll <TEX>$\alpha$</TEX>) over the culturing period from September to May of the following year. The food demand was estimated from the food concentration (chlorophyll <TEX>$\alpha$</TEX>) multiple the filtration rate of oysters that is considered monthly different growth rate of oysters and food concentration. The values of carrying capacity for the system varied from 6.1 ton/ha (minimum carrying capacity) in february to 14.91 ton/ha (maximum carrying capacity) in April of marketable size oysters (>4 g wet-tissue weight) depending on temporal variations in the food supply. The oyster production calculated from present facilities was 9 ton/ha in wet-tissue weight in Geoje-Hansan Bay. This value corresponded to <TEX>$60\%$</TEX> of maximum carrying capacity of the system. The optimal carrying capacity without negatively affecting on oyster production was 5.5 ton/ha when calculated from annual statistic data and 6.1 ton/ha when determined by this study. These results suggest that it must be reduced <TEX>$32\%$</TEX>~<TEX>$39\%$</TEX> of oyster facilities in the system.

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