
The purpose of the article is to identify the possibilities of medical institutions development in the conditions of change of health care financing mechanism with taking into account the further orientation on autonomization of medical institutions, which received the status of enterprises.The paper implies active implementation of new planning methods that are alternative to the traditional national approach to expenses accounting and their analysis, which are fundamentals of planned fi- nancial indicators calculation.The transformation of the financial mechanism in the healthcare sector necessitates a financial provision for medical institutions, that includes, first and foremost, a reasonable calculation of cost of medical in- stitutions services.Methodology.The methodology of the study is to use a combina- tion of methods: economic analysis, synthesis, comparison – to estimate the ac- tual values of financial indicators; economic-mathematical modeling and forecast- ing; systematic analysis, typification and comparison of observations, grouping, generalizations – during the process of making final conclusions based on the results of analytical studies.The scientific noveltyof the resultsobtainedconsistsnew approach offered by authors that let medical institutionsolve existing practical and methodological issues of correlation between current actual expenses and, forecast financial needs of medical institution in variable functioning conditions. The au- thors prove that the further development of medical institutions is impossible without reasonable pricing of healthcare services. The existing «Methodology of healthcare services cost calculation»is aimed at standardization and unification of expenses accounting methods, but does not promote getting veracious calculable data, which should be used in financial planning and modelling. Conclusions.The combination of analysis methods presented in this paper enables to make a forecast about the financial needs of the medical institution in the status of the enterprise on the basis of scientifically-based approaches. The use of the CVP-analysis meth- od allows to purposefully manage the main financial indicators that are taken into account in different scenarios, and the correctness of their analytical application at the hospital level is included in a justified approach to a higher level of gener- alization in accordance with the theory of averages.There is a high bankruptcy risk for a medical institution in the status of an enterprise in a case of insufficient level of reimbursement of medical institution expenses within the limits of state medical insurance, as well as within limited possibilities of receiving income from paid medical services. For more effective realization of medical institutions «au- tonomization», it is necessary to improve the legislation in terms of free choice of the list and volume of paid medical services, economic approaches to pricing for paid medical services and a clear policy of the state within a support of health care capital investment programs.Effective, purposeful preparatory work of reason- able financial indicators usage, taking into account current legislation, will enable the medical institutions to be competitive in the healthcare market.

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