
After Gojoseon was established in 24BC, it sent Gochuga, a ranking official to Gojuk state to rule it as its(Gojoseon’s) vassal state in 21~17BC. Initially Gojuk was a small state, located in the lower basin of the Luan River, but with the passage of time its power expanded and its domain included not only the entire Luan River basin but also extended to Zhaoyang region in the Daling River. The chronology of Gojukguk’s establishment as a vassal state of Gojoseon and its location in the Luan River valley testify to the fact that Gojoseon was established at a very early period and it gradually expanded its power to the Liaoxi region.<BR> Gojuk state contained a three-tier status system. On the top of the hierarchy was gochuga, the ruling class that produced the royalty and the aristocracy followed by commoners and slavers.<BR> Agriculture, cattle-rearing and sericulture formed the backborn of Gojuk economy. Horse also occupied an important position in the lives of Gojuk people, and this explains why it developed an advanced horse-riding culture. This state was also known for its sophisticated bronze implements. Gojuk state produced bronze weapons as well as bronze ritual vessels. And as is evident from the tale of its princes, Baik Yi(伯夷) and SukJe(叔齊), it emphasized ancient morality. The state won such renown for its art and culture that ancient China imported and widely used it flutes.<BR> Gojuk conducted vibrant and brisk exchange with the Chinese state of Shang, and it is also worthy of note that Gojuk often served as an intermediary that facilitated exchanges between Gososeon and ancient China.<BR> Gojuk continued for approximately 1800 years, and collapsed in 3rd Century BC when General Jin Kai of Yan launched an attack on it.

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