
This thesis begins by acknowledging that there are more suffering and more discriminating people, as Zizek said, that the fear of Pandemic is more clearly revealing the widespread discrimination in our society. From this idea, I would like to answer the question of what the relationship with the other should be in this era. In particular, modern society seems to regard rationality as the only tool in solving social problems and establishing ethical relationships in the community. is rationality truly the one and only tool at our disposal to help us solve the problems of modern society? In response to this question, we focus on the ethics of caring as a means to solve the problem in a ‘different’ way. In particular, we will examine how the ethics of caring, which begins with Gilligan, shows a critical view of the existing rationality-oriented ethical attitude. We then outline how Noddings, who followed, laid the foundation for ethical education through this perspective. The ethics of caring plays a role in making care lead from natural care to ethical care, and making the ethics of caring no longer remain in the private domain of intimacy. The necessity of caring education is being discussed not only in the realm of ethics but also in the realm of politics. In addition to Noddings, it should be understood that Tronto and Engster want to establish a community as a more essential relationship by systematizing and theorizing caring education. Through this discussion, we will show that Noddings' ethics of caring can indeed be extended beyond a feminine perspective to that of an ethics of caring for others. Morevover, we will show that an ethics of caring implies a perspective that is actually centered on others in that the first caring begins by responding to the call of others, rather than caring for others from the standpoint of the subject based on identity.

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