
Surgical treatment of benign subglottic stenoses can be challenging. It requires the close cooperation of an experienced team that includes various specialist disciplines. The treatment success will be evaluated with an extensive documentation of voice quality, lung function and swallowing function. The stenosis has to be analyzed in terms of its etiology, severity and pretreatment. Endoscopic removal of the stenotic tissue often leads to good short-term results. However, the proportion of re-stenoses is very high, which are often even more severe. Long-term treatment success can often only be achieved by surgical resection. The surgical technique used must be strictly adapted to the individual stenosis. In principle, a distinction can be made between classic cricotracheal resections and those that receive an expanded operative component. Particularly in the case of high-grade side-to-side stenoses, complex reconstruction with cartilage graft may be necessary. It is important not just to restore the airway flow. Maintaining the vocal function is an equally important treatment goal. Experienced centers can achieve very satisfactory long-term results with regard to functional outcome and voice quality.

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