
After a first attempt to unite the European computer industry had failed, the European Community initiated a new program for the information technology industry in Europe. As a first step 'pre–competitive' R&D was chosen, being careful not to come into conflict with the anti–cartel rules. The program was called ESPRIT. Industry, Governments of the European Community and the European Commission cooperated in shaping the program. The setting of goals, the procedures and the way to organize such a program became a model for many European R&D programs. ESPRIT worked well and produced many useful results. Not all new concepts worked out but a good method of working was found. It has created a forum for all those who are interested in the well–being of the European information industry. Priorities are set and action is taken. ESPRIT has overcome national and cultural differences. It has integrated the scientific and engineering world of Europe. It has recently shown a growth in response and popularity, and will have a long–lasting effect.

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